Leslee Willes

I met Leslee through our mutual friend Kate and have enjoyed spending time getting to know her over the years.  Leslie radiates kindness and love and it’s no surprise her chosen word is Light.  She is Light!  Her laugh is big and when she smiles, her whole face smiles.  Leslee was the first to be photographed when I took the 50 Women Project on the road to Los Angeles.  Thank you Leslee for your patience Leslee while I learned the new space and lighting.

Enjoy reading about Leslee and seeing her radiant photos.


There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
                                       — Edith Wharton


What really matters to you?

Listening to my heart, finding joy, peace, and love within myself, and spreading love into the world.

What brings you happiness?

Spending a day with Elisa and Sarah, dinners with Chris, laughing and playing with friends, walks on the beach, playing crystal bowls, hikes in a forest, making tea and herbal remedies, travel, and healthy foods.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced?

Choosing to live with my dad after my parents’ divorce, finding a career, going back to school on the east coast when Chris was on the West Coast, birthing two babies who entered the world preterm, trusting my instincts as a parent, and moving into this next chapter of my life heart-focused rather than analytically focused.

What would you change if you could?

If i could snap my fingers and create a peaceful and loving world, how cool that would be!!

What single word do you identify with?



Leslee loves being a parent and enjoys spending time with her husband and daughters.  Recently married, daughter Elisa has expanded their family with her new husband.  Leslee has a successful biostatistics consulting business, supporting medical device companies with getting their products approved and analyzing data from clinical studies. 

Fascinated by the power of sound and how it helps calm the nervous system, Leslee plays crystal bowls, instruments that create pure, sustained, ethereal tones used in different practices for sound healing.  She plays for individuals, groups, and new moon meditations.

She enjoys playing and meditating in her garden, walking, and hiking on nearby trails.  She’s also an herbalist, believing food and herbal medicine are powerful tools for optimal health.


Jan McCarthy

